25 Simple Health Tips to Improve Your Daily Life

Is it just me or did life get busy all of sudden?

Work a full-time job, take care of the kids, keep up with the laundry, be an attentive spouse, maintain a clean house, spend quality time with family, stay up to date on the news and social media, feed the dogs (or farm animals in my case) and look presentable while doing it.

Oh, and while you are at it, ferment your own kombucha, train for a marathon, meditate twice a day, make homemade granola, do yoga, eliminate gluten, grow your own food, and sleep 9 hours every night, all while partaking in belly breathing.

Goodness, when did a healthy lifestyle become so overwhelming!?

Don't get me wrong! It makes me ecstatic that health-conscious behaviors and wellness are everywhere. There has been a shift of focus to approaching our health proactively. Health coaches, devices that track our steps, heart rate and sleep, a growing focus on nutrition and diet in mental health, new apps released weekly for meditation, breathing, yoga, fitness and more. Even google search trends have shown an increase in this as 2019-2021 self-care searches were up by 162%. People are desiring to take care of themselves more now than ever before.

But I also think the "healthy lifestyle" it can all be a bit intimidating.

So, I wanted to bring it back to the basics.

“Health is not something that happens overnight, but through a series of choices we make day by day.”

We make so many small choices every single day that impact our health. We may not think these choices matter, but if done consistently over time they can make a huge difference in how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

Here are my top simple and easy healthy tips to incorporate seamlessly into your daily life:

1) Start each morning with a glass of water

When we wake each morning, we are often mildly dehydrated. Mild dehydration can impact our moods, increase anxiety, fatigue and tension. Before you reach for your cup of coffee or tea, drink a glass of water first. Proper hydration is essential for overall health. It plays a role in our energy levels, moods, skin health, immune system function, gut health, sleep and more! Besides just a morning glass of water, aim to hydrate all day by drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day. (For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, aim for drinking 100oz of water a day).

2) Spend some time outside everyday.

The Environmental Protection Agency released research in July 2021 that said that people are spending 90% of their time indoors. Spending time in nature has been associated with positive moods and increasing psychological well being, meaningfulness and vitality. Aim to head outside every day. Pause, breathe, and soak up some sunshine, fresh air and the sights and smells in nature. It doesn’t have to be a long walk or hike, even 5 minutes works wonders.

3) Get some morning sun

When possible, try to get outside in the morning for a few minutes every day.

Morning Sun:

  • Is critical in syncing our circadian rhythms so we sleep better at night.

  • Improves our energy as it directly powers our mitochondria (increases number and function) which are responsible for our energy levels.

  • Can reduce anxiety and calm the mind.

  • Is essential for not only creating vitamin D but also other hormones like dopamine (reward chemical) and serotonin (mood stabilizer).

  • May support inflammation by increasing blood flow and the body's antioxidant defenses.

  • Can counteract the effects of blue light.

Want to learn more about morning sun? A neuroscientist, Dr. Andrew Huberman with Huberman Labs has done some fascinating research on this.

4) Floss your teeth

Most people don't realize poor dental hygiene is linked with a lot of health conditions. Floss your teeth daily for good dental health and overall health. Flossing protects teeth and gums and is also important for immunity and heart health.

5) Snuggle a pet

The hormone oxytocin is released when petting an animal. This triggers feelings of happiness, relieves stress, and increases feelings of trust. Oxytocin plays an important role in social memory and helps facilitate bonding, which is crucial for humans. It also slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Interacting with pets can also boost endorphins and dopamine. There is a reason pet therapy is so popular in hospitals, nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

6) Take a probiotic daily

"All disease begins in the gut" -Hippocrates

If the gut is off, everything is off.

Our gut influences:

  • Immune system function

  • Moods such as anxiety

  • Skin flare ups and inflammation

  • Hormones

  • Energy and fatigue

  • Sleep

  • Stress responses

    Take a daily probiotic nightly to help your gut flora balance. I take the Life 9 probiotic from Young Living which has 17 billion live cultures from 9 different beneficial strains. (Get it here). You want to take it at nighttime before bed because bacteria need food and warmth to survive. In the morning, our stomachs are extremely acidic so it could break down the time release capsule which helps it travel to where it needs to be. Take after dinner before bedtime because our gut is less active at nighttime, and it increases the chances that probiotics can divide and multiply. It is also a great idea to eat foods high in probiotics such as kimchi, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and pickles. In addition, eat a diet high in prebiotics as they promote growth of probiotics such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

7) Take the stairs or park car at a distance

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a simple way to get a little more physical activity daily. Going to the store? Park car farther away in parking lot to get more steps in and walk the cart all the way back to the store.

7) Get enough sleep

The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is the foundation of health. Without enough sleep, our body and mind really struggle. Sleep deprivation impacts our memory, judgement and moods. It also plays a huge role in our immunity, digestion, cell regeneration and hormone regulation. Be intentional about a nightly bedtime routine and enhance sleep by keeping the bedroom cool and dark, avoiding blue lights after dark, and using essential oils to relax the mind and body.

9) Start the day with a healthy morning routine

“How we start the day truly sets the tone for our day.”

Are you always rushed in the morning? Look at the morning routine and see what you can prepare the night before. Wake up a little earlier to take a few minutes to stretch, meditate, and/or fill your essential oil diffuser to ease into the day. Don’t check phones or news outlets first thing in the morning as they can distract you from your morning routine as well as create anxious feelings that precipitate into the rest of the day.

10) Take a minute to stretch

Stretching has some amazing benefits for the body and the mind as it:

  • Increases flexibility

  • Improves posture

  • Improves blood flow to muscles

  • Stressed? Muscles tighten up in response to physical and emotional stress. A good stretch can work wonders.

  • Stimulates release of endorphins which help elicit those feel-good feelings.

  • Reduce muscle tension and strain.

  • Helps prevent future back pain and risk for muscle strain.

I like to play some calming music and stretch daily. Remember that warm muscles stretch better than cold muscles so stretch after a warm bath/shower or after engaging in light activity like light walking or a short dance party in the kitchen.

11) Read a book or magazine

In a 5-minute span, the average person will divide their time between working on a task, checking email, chatting with a couple of people (via text, instagram, ect), keeping eye on social media, monitoring their smartphone and interacting with co-workers or family. This type of ADD-like behavior causes stress levels to increase and lowers productivity.

Take a few minutes in the day or before bedtime to sit and read a book or magazine. When we read, all of our attention is focused on the story. The rest of the world just falls away and you can immerse yourself in every fine detail you're absorbing. Reading reduces stress, improves memory and focus and stimulates the mind while also relaxing the body.

12) Take a break every 25 minutes while working

Sitting for long periods of time can create tension, pain and additional stress on the body. The body was designed to move! Having trouble focusing on a task or staying productive? Use the Pomodoro Technique! The Pomodoro technique is a time management method from the 1980's. Pomodoro is derived from the Italian word tomato which came from tomato shaped timers. The method is structured to make intervals of time working and breaks, meaning you engage in 25 minutes of focused work then take a 5-minute break. After 3 intervals of the pomodoro technique, then you take a 30-minute break. This trains the brain to stay on task. When you take a break, the body then releases dopamine which is a reward chemical and makes us feel good because we did something productive but are also rewarding ourselves with a break.

13) Switch to non-toxic household cleaning products and personal care products

Conventional household cleaning, skincare, and personal products are full of unnecessary, potentially harmful ingredients, that are not beneficial for our health. Switch to healthier plant-based alternatives that work just as well while limiting exposures to those harsher chemicals. We love Thieves cleaner in our home which is safe for all members of the family including pets! (Get it here).

14) Take regular technology breaks

Did you know the average smartphone owner unlocks their phone 150 times a day? Take regular intentional breaks from technology. Put your phone away for a day or a whole weekend. Notice how you feel. Maybe it feels wrong at first as your subconscious adjusts. But with time, you begin to notice positive benefits with regular unplugging.

Notice your mind slowing down. Notice how you feel more present in the moment and begin to enjoy the simple things. Notice how time slows down more. If you can't do a whole day unplugged, try 4 hours at a time and gradually increase the amount of time with each technology break.

15) Make half your plate veggies

An easy way to eat healthier is to make half your plate veggies at a meal. Vegetables are packed in essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in fiber which helps aid in digestion. Aim to eat a rainbow of foods each meal and focus on whole food ingredients.

Tip: While grocery shopping, shop the perimeter or outer edges of the store. Unfortunately, most grocery stores are not designed to encourage healthy eating. The center of grocery stores typically contain more processed foods whereas the outer edges allow you to make healthier choices with fresh fruits, veggies, proteins, and perishables. Choose foods high in antioxidants. Another easy way to do this is to make a smoothie every day!

16) Sweat daily

Aim to sweat every day through exercise. Those who exercise regularly are more emotionally resilient and able to cope with stress better than those who don't. Leading a sedentary life can have negative effects on our emotional health, physical health and immune system health. Our bodies are designed to move. They reward us by releasing endorphins which make us feel good and boost our mood. Even a 10-minute walk, a dance party in the kitchen, a game of tag with the kids or dog can be beneficial. It doesn't have to be some intense exercise program or long run to get our heart rate up and sweat flowing.

17) Get a fitness tracker or track your steps on your phone

Using a fitness tracker to track your steps is an easy way to make sure you are getting enough physical activity each day. It can also be motivating and help you become more aware of your activity each day. Most modern phones have already programmed apps that can do this for free. Aim to increase your step goal each week.

18) Manage stress

While some stress can be positive for our body, long lasting stress can negatively influence so many systems within our body.

“Stress is not what happens to use in life but how we respond to what happens to us in life.”

Become more aware of your stress triggers and seek ways to limit or avoid them. On stressful days or seasons, intentionally engage in self-care such as exercising, using essential oils, taking baths, reading, meditating etc. While it is important to know our stress triggers, it is just as important to know our happiness triggers. What makes you happy? Lean on those triggers during seasons of stress. And remember, our mental health is just as important as our physical health! To learn more about breaking the stress response and how to utilize essential oils for stress, listen to this podcast I did with Whimsy and Wellness.

19) Smile often

Sounds easy enough right? Did you know a smile automatically relaxes other muscles within your body? Smiling boosts physical and mental health. Nervous about a presentation or event? A smile can automatically boost confidence and relieve anxious feelings.

20) Listen to music

Not only does music activate our auditory cortex within our brain but also areas of the brain connected to emotion, memory as well as the motor system. When we listen to pleasurable music, the brain releases dopamine; a neurotransmitter that plays a role in cognitive, emotional and behavioral functioning. Dopamine is a naturally occurring happy chemical we receive as part of a reward system. Our brain is literally rewarding us for filling our ears with music we love!

21) Think positively

"The mind is a garden, what you decide to grow there will determine our prosperity" -Yung Pueblo

We have over 20,000 thoughts a day and our bodies are physically changing in response to those thoughts!

Just thinking about something causes the brain to send signals and release neurotransmitters that control virtually all of the bodily functions including mood and feelings. One negative thought can domino into the rest of the day. Work on being more mindful of negative thought patterns and reversing them into positive thoughts.

Over the past 20 years, there has been an incredible amount of research done by psychologists and neuroscientists confirming the power of positive thinking. Positive thinkers cope more effectively with stress, have stronger immune systems and improved wellness. The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health benefits associated with optimism including better cardiovascular health, less depression and an increased life span.

A simple experiment:

Each time your brain switches to a negative thought after something happens, try bouncing it into a positive reaction and positive thought instead. Do that all day long and it will begin to reinforce more positive thinking.

Instead of thinking "why does this always happen to me?"

Try thinking "What is this trying to teach me?"

22) Speak Affirmations

Speaking of negative thought patterns, saying affirmations out loud are a great way to combat subconscious patterns and emotions. Affirmations are thoughts you intentionally use to support, encourage, and calm your body and mind. They activate the reward centers of the brain which can help us decrease stress and anxiety, overcome challenges and increase confidence. Pick an affirmation you want to focus on daily. Write it down and repeat it several times to yourself throughout the day.

Examples of affirmations:

  • I am grateful for this moment

  • I am resilient

  • I am stronger than I think

  • I am enough

  • I am growing through each experience

  • I am energized by my passion

  • I am safe

  • I choose compassion over competition

  • I challenge myself to grow

23) Practice Gratitude

Practice gratitude every day. This could be when you wake up, when you shower, on drive to or from work, during lunch or breaks or before bed. Write down or say 5 things you are grateful for and 5 things you are proud of yourself for. Gratitude can change our thinking habits and shift our daily perspectives. When we practice gratitude, the brain releases dopamine which makes us feel good and motivates us to repeat specific behaviors like expressing gratitude even more.

24) Use a yoga ball as a desk chair

Sitting on yoga balls is great for promoting balance and restoring posture. They also help relieve back, shoulder and neck pain while also strengthening the core.

25) Give yourself grace

Know that there will be days you will be a rockstar for your health and days that may not go quite as planned. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, doing just a little bit is better than nothing at all. On days I don't feel like exercising, I tell myself I will give it 5 minutes. I set a timer and start running, exercising or walking for 5 minutes. When the 5 minutes are up, I ask myself how I feel. If I am not feeling it, I stop and commend myself for doing 5 minutes. (5 minutes is better than nothing!) However, 99% of the time, I feel those endorphins flowing and notice how great I feel mentally and physically and decide to keep going.

You don't have to do everything on this list and you don't have to do it all at once!

Take it one choice at time and focus on those that you enjoy and make you feel good!


Disclaimer: This blog is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. The use of information on this blog or materials linked from this blog is at the user's own risk. The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.


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